DC to 500kHz bandwidth
True-RMS autoranging
Auto setting for horizontal and vertical divisions
Single or dual waveform display
Component test for checking component signatures on sensors, actuators, electrical, ignition
Optically isolated RS-232 interface for transferring measurement data and waveforms
Oscilloscope spec
Sample rate 20 Meg samples per second
Record length 512 in single shot and glitch, 256 in all others
Samples/ division 20
Accuracy 0.01 %
Sweep rate 1S to 1S in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Bandwidth 500 kHz
Resolution 8 bit
Channels 1
Input impedance 1.11 M
Accuracy 3 %
Max input voltage 1000 Vp-p
Type Internal
Coupling AC, DC, Glitch capture
Sensitivity 2/20 division
Memory 43 shot
Multimeter spec
DC Voltage
Range 400mV - 1000V
Resolution 0.1mV - 1V
Accuracy 0.3% of reading 2 digits
AC Voltage
Range 300mV - 750V
Resolution 0.1mV - 1V
Accuracy (0.75% + 5)
DC Current
Range 400A - 10A
Resolution 0.1A - 0.01A
Accuracy (0.5 to 0.75)% of reading 5 digits
AC Current
Range 300A to 10A
Resolution 0.1A to 0.01A
Accuracy (0.75 to 2)% (10 to 40)digits
Range 400 to 30M
Resolution 0.1 to 0.01M
Accuracy 0.5% (5 to 10)digits
Range 60 to 12000
Resolution 1rpm
Accuracy 2rpm
% Duty
Range 0.0 - 99.9% (30 to 19000rpm, pulse width 0.5mS)
Range 0.0 - 356.4° (30 to 19000rpm, pulse width 0.5mS)
Pulse width
Range 0.2 - 1999.9mS (30 to 19000rpm, pulse width 0.5mS)
Range 0.1 - 4000Hz (30 to 19000rpm, pulse width 0.5mS)
This is only specifically made automotive oscilloscopes I would recommend for the beginner, or anybody who is unsure of the settings on a non-automotive scope, its a good simple tool, with a fair sized LCD screen for about £550ish (28-04-07) downside is it only has an analogue bandwidth of 500khz. It has a pre-programmed memory and it is a third of the price of "big named scopes" from Snap-on (Sun), Sykes Pickavant, Mac, OTC, Bosch FSA450, Vetronix, Crypton or the discontinued Fluke 98-2 or Bosch PMS100. But if you don't mind studying the subject of scopes and learning how to set one up. You can find allot more scope for your money if you have £500 to spend.